5 Best Yoga Poses for Liver Disorder
The liver is a key player in our body’s digestive system and shoulders wide-ranging functions such as bile prod...

Top Five Benefits of Uttanasana
A basic yet potent asana, Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend is a pivotal posture in the history of yogic science. G...

The Benefits of Parsvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose
The human race spends most of its time in a forward movement: slouching on desks, working on workstations, commanding...

The Best Yoga Poses For Kidney Disorders
Our body is a complex structure and each organ has its own crucial role to play in maintaining a proper functioning o...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Urdhva Dhanurasana
Aaah! A Backbend is the cry of the most yoga practitioners For many, bending backward in a pose can be highly...

7 Excellent Benefits of Marichyasana
From the ferocious animals to the legendary warriors, the science of yoga infuses history, Vedic wisdom, and Mytholog...

The Health Benefits of Utthita Parsvakonasana Extended Side Angle Pose
Extended Side Angle- one of the most cherished yoga lunges is so loved because it successfully engages a number of mu...

Top 5 Excellent Benefits of Padahastasana Hand Under Foot Pose
When you get deeply attached to yoga on a daily basis, you come across a variety of poses that are simply ama...

The 9 Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama
B. K. S Iyengar in his book ‘Light on Pranayama’ writes: “Prana is the breath of life of all beings...

Health Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama or Bellow Breath
While asana purifies the body and dhyana works on the soul, prana works towards the mind. The mind is a potent being...
Blog Post
7 Excellent Benefits of Marichyasana
From the ferocious animals to the legendary warriors, the science of yoga infuses history, Vedic wisdom, and Mytholog...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Urdhva Dhanurasana
Aaah! A Backbend is the cry of the most yoga practitioners For many, bending backward in a pose can be highly...

The Best Yoga Poses For Kidney Disorders
Our body is a complex structure and each organ has its own crucial role to play in maintaining a proper functioning o...

The Benefits of Parsvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose
The human race spends most of its time in a forward movement: slouching on desks, working on workstations, commanding...
