Top 5 Health Benefits of Purvottanasana Upward Plank Pose
For most fitness freaks, the abs are the center of attraction when it comes to body sculpting. But a little attention...

The health benefits of Karnapidasana Knee to Ear Pose
When we start experiencing stiffness in our neck, backbone or shoulders, then it is a clear sign that somethi...

5 Excellent Benefits of Upward Forward Fold Urdhva Uttanasana
One of the reasons that might motivate you to include yoga in your life could be the lure to achieve flexibil...

7 Excellent Benefits of Upward Lotus Pose Urdhva Padmasana
In popular mythological serials, you must have seen the image of a Rishi in an inverted position doing severe austeri...

5 Excellent Health Benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana Revolved triangle pose
Parivrtta Trikonasana or Revolved Triangle Pose is a benevolent standing posture of the Ashtanga Vinyasa syst...

5 Excellent Benefits of Half Bound Lotus Pose Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
These days, you have to stay robust enough to match the expectations in the professional world as well as on...

The Health benefits of Upward Facing Dog Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
The many poses of yoga are so interconnected with each other that you cannot afford to skip even an ordinary looking...

10 Yoga Poses to Advance Your Practice
“The longer we practice, the more refined yoga and what it means to us becomes, both on and off the mat...

5 Excellent Sitting Yoga Poses asanas
Physical exercises necessarily don’t have to involve a lot of running and vigorous movements. Body movements th...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Padmasana Lotus pose
When experiencing anxiety, feeling dissonance with the Self or restlessness– look no beyond than acquiring the...
Blog Post
Top Five Benefits of Uttanasana
A basic yet potent asana, Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend is a pivotal posture in the history of yogic science. G...

5 Best Yoga Poses for Liver Disorder
The liver is a key player in our body’s digestive system and shoulders wide-ranging functions such as bile prod...

Five Best Yoga Poses to Cure Abdominal Disorders
It is said that stomach is the center of all the action in the body. Gut, an important organ that rests in the abdome...

7 Best Yoga Poses for Headache
Don’t let a nagging headache get in your way of a healthy, fun, and fulfilling life.
Though headaches...
