Learn the Basics of Yoga
As one mentions ‘yoga,’ many images conjure up in the mind of an individual. Perhaps, you get an...
All You Must Know about Prana Yoga
Before you get into any kind of Yoga, it is very important for you to know its meaning and the ways in which you&rsqu...
8 Different Types of Yoga
If an individual performs Yoga asanas on a regular basis, there is no way in which he can fall ill or go thro...
A Guide to what is Yogasana
Yoga is an ancient form of fitness style. Its origin and existence has great significance in the minds of people even...
Top 10 Yoga Positions for a Healthy Survival
Looking for different yoga positions to try? We have amazing poses in store for you. These yoga postures not only pro...
10 Benefits of Yoga for Children
When you look at a few Yoga poses, you wonder if you’d ever be able to do them. Some stretching Asanas...
Yoga Poses for Men
The common joke is that the only motivation for a man to join a yoga class is the chance to ogle limber women...
Yoga Poses for Babies
Post pregnancy, it’s that sweet stage in life when every day begins with holding your baby, feel its li...
What is Hatha Yoga
Introduction to Hatha Yoga:
Hatha yoga is an all-encompassing term which can be used to de...
Hatha Yoga Benefits
Hatha yoga is a means to bring about a balance between the solar energy and lunar energy within you or Ida or Pingala...
Blog Post
The Health Benefits of Bakasana
Wish you had a pair of really strong arms and an enduring shoulder to carry the weight of the world? Relax, the weigh...
7 Excellent Benefits of Bhadrasana Gracious Pose
In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Bhadrasana (Gracious pose) is listed as one of the four meditative postures. The...
Top 5 Health Benefits of Hamasasana Swan Pose
The deep stretching and hip opening that can be practiced for increased health and as a preparatory pose for Mayurasa...
The Best Cross Legged Yoga Poses Asanas
For healthy movements and mobility, it is imperative that the body organs of knees, hips, ankles, and legs are thorou...