The Importance of Yoga Teacher Training Certification
Yoga Teachers, being upholders of tradition and engineers of the future really make the world go round! This...

5 Best Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Bowing the head to the heart center allowing the blood to circulate freely through the brain, feeling a lengthening s...

7 Yoga Poses to Help from Depression
We all feel low at one point or the other which is natural. Having said this, when dreadful feelings such as...

5 best yoga poses to reduce high blood pressure Hypertension
In the ambush of the hurry and worry of the world, the hurricane of sadness and confusion of the mind we ofte...

Top 7 Standing Yoga Poses
If you have ever tried a leg stand or have tripped while performing a stunt, you must know the importance of...

Top 10 Seated Yoga Poses
Yoga is the science to unite the mind, body, soul, and to move the practitioners towards a greater awareness,...
Top 7 Health Benefits of Sirsasana Headstand
Sirsasana is cumulative of two Hindi syllables, ‘Sirsa’ denoting the head region and ‘Asana’...

Top 7 Excellent Benefits of Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand
Sarvangasana is a Sanskrit word that means Sarva- all or entire, and Anga- organ or body part. It is also called Shou...

Top 7 Excellent Benefits of Padangusthasana Big Toe Pose
Living a modern life can be quite challenging at times for many individuals. Commuting through irritating tra...

Top 5 Health benefits of Vrikshasana Tree Pose
Find out the top five outstanding health benefits of vrikshasana through this...
Blog Post
10 Yoga Poses to Advance Your Practice
“The longer we practice, the more refined yoga and what it means to us becomes, both on and off the mat...

The Health benefits of Upward Facing Dog Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
The many poses of yoga are so interconnected with each other that you cannot afford to skip even an ordinary looking...

5 Excellent Benefits of Half Bound Lotus Pose Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
These days, you have to stay robust enough to match the expectations in the professional world as well as on...

5 Excellent Health Benefits of Parivrtta Trikonasana Revolved triangle pose
Parivrtta Trikonasana or Revolved Triangle Pose is a benevolent standing posture of the Ashtanga Vinyasa syst...
