4 Valuable Safety Tips for Yogis Starting Vinyasa Yoga Poses
Vinyasa doesn’t look like just anybody’s cup of tea, and it isn’t. The sequences feature postures that glide from one to another like a celestial dance. Neither are the bends and flexes held too long, nor there is a break in the rhythm ever allowed. This is not to dissuade yoga beginners from hopping into vinyasa, but only stating how delicious a yoga body challenge can get. Vinyasa has been the choice of yoga for beginners often, due to a punch of strength and vitality it packs in its vivacious and bogglingly dynamic sequences.
The steep level of challenge has only made vinyasa more tempting to beginner sensibilities. While the style may take decades to perfect, that distinctly awesome feeling of stirring up such a storm of energy inside of you is still guaranteed, as long as you follow certain safety measures in vinyasa.
Remember that to yoga by observing asana, is to move purposefully, and with intention. Vinyasa is fast paced challengingly stylized way of this movement to elucidate transition. Purely for safety’s sake, “alignment-centered vinyasa” is recommended for beginners. This is a practice that ensures endless fun with fluid posture flows, but guarantees safety and ease of practice at the same time—
Don’t Strain Too Hard to Touch the Floor in Downward Bends
Your vinyasa sequences are sure to feature one to many dog postures facing down. Delicious and enjoyable as the posture is, the move can get very tricky in the vinyasa way. One quick tip for doing it right goes by shifting into a proper plank pose and staking the shoulders up high as you do, placing them horizontally over the wrists and the heels on the balls of the feet. This way, there will much equilibrium in the poise, and become easier to press comfortably down into the downward dog posture, without moving the hands or feet.
This dog posture tailored especially for vinyasa may feel a tad longer than your regular one and your heels may be facing difficulty in touching the floor for lack of flexibility. While doing this posture, you must free your mind from any compulsion to make the heels touch the mat or the floor, because, hardly does it matter!
If your muscles are yet to unwind, you may feel a constriction in the ankles and have the heels lingering over the mat. Straining the ankles at this point will inevitably bring a crack in the rhythm and mess up your vinyasa attitude. The pro safety way of doing the down bend in the Dog position is merely to ensure a long enough stretch for ease in transition. Touching the heels to the floor should hardly be the yoga goal.
Feel Free to Make Plank Pose Easier
The stern corrective instruction for the Plank from your yoga teacher still ringing in your ears bitterly? Get over it. In Plank in the vinyasa flow yoga, we give you permission to thrust out the but as you go down. Analyzing the Plank pose from the safety point of view, it is considered much safer and effective to maintain the posture with the hips slightly raised. This way, you can seal your poise from plopping. You can ensure no collapse of the lower back, as becomes the case when the hips are downed.
Instead of obsessing with the raised point of your hips, you can shift your attention to aligning your lower abdomen. By easily drawing in the anterior hip bones together, you can keep your spine stabilized. When doing the Plank, harness support from your arms by pressing down your hands into the floor, much as though you are shoving the floor away from your chest. In vinyasa, key importance should be upon maintaining the pace and dynamism of the sequence, therefore, if you find it hard to subside into your lower back in the full plank stretch, feel free to come down on your knees without breaking the vinyasa rhythm, by forming into a half plank. This way, it is going to be safe and retentive of stability.
Don’t Stick Your Chin Out in Upward Moves
Here’s a million dollar tip for those who perform upward pushes or rising from backbends with their chin sticking out. Remember, when following your head or chin leading about in a pose, you are actually bailing on the benefits of the backbend. Plus, it can get extremely risky for your neck to receive a sprain. Make sure not to hang your head loosely, rather move your head to the lead of your spine. Widen your collar bone, and assert your sternum as you move deep into the motion. Slowly, express your backbone in its total length.
Don’t Rock Back to Relaxed State
Lastly, refrain from pushing back up into the relaxed state from deep bends in a rocky click. Be sure to break a glide into multi parts and perform it swiftly but un-abruptly.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers

Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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