Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Looking for a simple, fun and less time-consuming way that provides a range of amazing health benefits? Give a great start to your day with Surya Namaskar yoga.
Also known as the Sun Salutations, Surya Namaskar is a special sequence of Hatha yoga that brings a number of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Originated and practiced in India since thousands of years, it is the technique to pay respect and express gratitude to the source of all energies on the planet- The Sun. Surya Namaskar yoga is comprised of 12 yoga postures that are performed in two sets. During the second set, the practitioner repeats the movements performed during the first set with the opposite side. The set of 12 simple yet powerful exercises acts as complete body workout.
Performing Sun Salutations on a regular basis and in a correct way, one can enjoy the health benefits without putting any extra effort. It is a set of safe and simple yoga poses that will not cause any strain or injury.
Upon becoming familiar with Surya Namaskar, you feel wonderful while performing it and will desire to practice on a regular basis. The best time to practice is morning but one can practice it as whensoever they get the time. If practiced in morning, it relieves stiffness, energizes the body, and calms the mind. It acts as a refreshing alternative to caffeine if practiced during the daytime and at night. It relaxes the entire body and helps you get good sleep.
Surya Namaskar yoga can do wonders for the mind, body, and spirit. Let’s take a brief look at some of the amazing health benefits offered by this wonderful sequence of Hatha yoga:
1. Helps in Weight Loss: If done at a fast pace, Surya Namaskar poses help in losing excess weight by providing an excellent cardiovascular workout. The sequence of 12 postures stretches the abdominal muscles and tones the body. These postures also improve metabolism and help you shed flab around the belly.
2. Strengthens the muscles and joints: It provides a good stretch to the entire body including muscles, joints, ligaments, and the whole skeletal system and strengthens them. It increases the flexibility of the spine. Performing these 12 postures on a regular basis makes the limbs symmetrical, leading to better functioning of important internal organs.
3. Provides a glowing and healthy skin: Surya Namaskar enhances the blood circulation in the face region that results in a healthy and glowing skin. It helps get rid of wrinkles and delays the signs of aging leaving your skin look ageless and radiant.
4. Improves the digestive system: Surya Namaskar smoothens the functioning of digestive system. These postures increase the blood flow to the digestive tract and improve the functioning of the intestines. The forward bend posture of Surya Namaskar helps release gastric acids from the body by increasing the abdomen space.
5. Helps Cure Insomnia: The regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps improve the sleeping pattern. It calms the mind and provides a good and restful sleep. It also ensures that you do not resort to drugs.
6. Regulate the menstrual cycle: Surya Namaskar is quite beneficial for girls and women suffering from irregular menstrual cycle problem. The regular practice regulates the menstrual cycle and also assists in smooth and easy childbirth.
7. Reduces the blood sugar levels: The movements involved in Surya Namaskar enhances the blood flow to the various parts and improves insulin administration in the body. It brings down the level of sugar in the blood and reduces the risks of heart diseases.
8. Relieves anxiety and improves memory: Surya Namaskar postures calm the mind and help get rid of anxiety. It improves the memory and tones up the nervous system. It stimulates the function of the endocrine glands including the thyroid, parathyroid, the pituitary glands and the adrenal glands.
9. Detoxes the body: Due to the repetitive deep inhalation and exhalation performed in Surya Namaskar, the supply of oxygen in the blood is increased and the lungs are thoroughly ventilated. It promotes the removal of carbon-dioxide and other toxic gases from the body.
So, start practicing the traditional art of Surya Namaskara yoga on a regular basis and improve the whole well-being in an easy way.
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