The 5 Best Yoga Poses to Cure Constipation


If you are among the many who think that the science of yoga is an effectual practice only for reducing stress, increasing strength and flexibility in a body, then we suggest you to self-explore and re-think. From lowering hypertension to treating levels of inflammation in people with heart failure, rolling out a yoga mat and spending some time on it is highly beneficial for the entire body, from head to toe. And yes, that even includes your digestive tract and guts.

The art of yoga is a potent tool for various kind of diseases associated with the stomach such as constipation, bloating, irritated bowel system, etc. Unhealthy eating, poor lifestyle choices are some of the factors contributing towards stomach troubles especially constipation. These bad habits manifest in the digestive tract as hard stools giving rise to pain.

Yoga postures manage the stress response and greatly improves the functioning of a digestive system. Secondly, the twisting yoga asanas for constipation, inversions, etc., massage the intestines, enhance the flow of blood, stimulate the process of peristalsis, and help stools move through the whole system.

Consistently indulge in the practice of these top five yoga poses for constipation and nurture yourself with healthy bowel movements. Take a look at the poses:

1. Supine Twist Pose ( Supta Matsyendrasana): Start the posture by lying on your back. Rest your hands on your side. Bend your legs and place the feet on top of a yoga mat. On an exhalation, draw both your knees upward and hold them tightly with your hands (Knee-to-chest-pose). Keeping the right leg in position, stretch your left leg along the floor. Extend your right arm at shoulder-height, palm down. Exhale, cross your right leg over the left leg and place the left hand on the right knee. Drop the knee on the floor. Twist your head to the right side and gaze at the right hand.  Hold this posture for 20-30 breaths.

Supine Twist Pose ( Supta Matsyendrasana)

Benefit: A therapeutic pose for stress and constipation. The twisting action increases the health and performance of the digestive system.

2. Wind Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana): Begin in a supine posture. With an exhalation, perform knee-to-chest pose (Apanasana). While holding your left knee firmly, extend the right leg alongside the ground and hold this pose for 5-6 breaths. Now, draw the right knee back towards your chest, release the left leg, and stretch it along with a yoga mat. Remain in this pose for 5-6 breaths. Lastly, pull both your knees upward and release them back on the floor. Repeat the movement 20-25 times.

Wind Relieving Posture (Pavanamuktasana):

Benefit: A useful yoga asana that releases unwanted toxic gases and provides relief from constipation, acidity, and bloating.

3. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Kneel on a yoga mat. Set your knees under your hips and wrists beneath your shoulders. Slowly, straighten your arms and relax your spine. Raise your knees up and unbend your legs one at a time. Extend them behind and tuck your toes under. Raise your pelvis towards the ceiling and come into an inverted “V” stance. Align your head with your arms and focus your Drishti on the navel. Stay in this yoga pose for 30-60 seconds.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

Benefit: Regularly practice this pose to get respite from all digestive problems and lead a healthy life.

4. Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana): Stand tall on a yoga mat. Keep your feet 2-3 inches apart and hands by your side. Inhale, stretch your arm upwards, palms facing in front. Exhale, lean forward at the hips and keep your spine erect. As you fold forward, bring your arms down and try to touch the ground. Rest your nose and forehead on the leg. Relax your neck. Remain in this pose for 30 seconds.

Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)

Benefit: A yoga asana that enhances the digestive function, releases stress, and activates the abdominal muscles.

5. Revolved Triangle Pose ( Parivrtta Trikonasana): Begin in the Mountain Pose. Step your feet 3-4 inches apart and raise your arms out parallel to the ground. Turn your left foot in and right foot out. Both the heels should fall on the same line. Exhale, rotate your torso towards the right and lean down above the right leg. Lift the left hand upward and bend the right hand down. Locate the right palm on the ground beside the right foot. Stay in this pose for 60 seconds.

Revolved Triangle Pose ( Parivrtta Trikonasana)

Benefit: A health yoga posture for strengthening the abdominal organs and the overall body.

Naturally, cure the painful and uncomfortable problem of constipation through a committed practice of these yoga postures for constipation.

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