Top 10 Yoga Positions for a Healthy Survival
Looking for different yoga positions to try? We have amazing poses in store for you. These yoga postures not only promise you increased strength and flexibility, but also assure you of a healthy survival. If you have been practicing yoga for some time you will notice that some yoga postures are similar to what you are happy doing. Various poses in yoga have a significant and specific advantage on your inner and outer personality. As you practice these poses, you will notice a change in the flow of prana and energy within. That’s the impact of yoga on one’s life.
Practicing yoga asana in daily life:
Yoga is one of the simplest but most effective forms of fitness. It cures various disorders, illnesses, and other emotional issues of your life. The ancient yoga has a deep meaning and science attached due to which it enjoys great faith among people. In short, yoga is all about increasing flexibility and strength in your daily activities. There are several poses to practice every day before you leave for work or go off to bed at night. Few popular yoga poses include Surya Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Kapalabhati, and Dhanurasana. These forms have been widely used to reduce stubborn belly fat.
Practicing yoga in daily life brings to you the below benefits:
- Muscle strength
- Increased flexibility
- Perfect body posture
- Prevention of joint aches and body aches
- Protection of spine
- Improved breathing
- Proper blood circulation
- Normal heart rate
- Boost in immunity
- Great metabolism
- Normal blood pressure
- Happy mood
- Healthy life
- Focused career
- Relaxed personality
- Maintained nervous system
- Tension free limbs
- Peaceful sleep
- Strong lungs
- Good digestive system
- Peace of mind and many more..
Top 10 yoga positions for a healthy life and survival:
Before you begin to practice these asanas, it is important to start with stretching and breathing exercises. Stretching involves basic exercises in yoga. Slow neck stretches with repetitions help in easing out strained neck muscles that makes it easier to even sit on a chair and practice yoga.
1. Tadasana:
It is also known as ‘The Mountain Pose’. Tadasana is the most basic exercise in yoga that helps your hand to get a nice massage every morning. The asana gives deep relaxation to your spine, back, and whole body. Many yoga experts recommend this exercise for the beginners and those willing to increase their height.
2. Uttanasana:
In English, we call it ‘Standing Forward Fold Pose.’ People suffering from stress and anxiety must practice this asana every morning to gain the significant positive changes in their life. Uttanasana has deep ancient root attached with yoga that allows your arms, shoulders, and legs to relax by passing proper blood flow throughout the body.
3. Trikonasana:
The asana is perfect for pregnant women. It is one of the most effective yoga positions that help in strengthening of muscles and reducing blood pressure. If you practice it every day, the asana helps in burning unwanted fat from the waist and thighs.
4. Surya Namaskar:
As mentioned about its significance, yoga is incomplete without Surya Namaskar. Do two sets of the 12 surya namaskar poses of yoga and you will live a healthy life throughout. The yoga asana is known to reduce sleeplessness, fatigue, back pain, and other health issues. It is extremely beneficial for asthmatic patients and people suffering from chronic issues.
5. Kapalbhati Pranayam:
If you are suffering from stomach related issues, acidity, asthma, constipation, and weight related problems, Kapalbhati is the solution to all. This posture of yoga is extremely effective in reducing tough belly fat.
6. Baddha Konasana:
Ideal asana for beginners; Baddha helps you stretch your hips and back so that your body can begin to practice other asanas of yoga. It also strengthens your body to stretch during difficult asanas.
7. Sirsasana:
Headstone pose or Sirsasana is an effective posture for overall health. It cures any sleeping issues, such as insomnia and nightmares. Regular practice also helps in balancing mental balance and improving concentration. The significance of this asana has been remarkably evident when people noticed a change in their blood circulation and other liver disorders.
8. Halasana:
In English, it is known as Plough Pose. Halasana strengthens your back muscles and improves your stretching ability. Many Halasana followers have noticed a cure in digestive disorders. It is one of the best yoga positions for diabetic patients.
9. Bhujangasana:
It is an ideal yoga pose for weight loss. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana gives excellent results to those suffering from poor metabolism, kidney issues, headaches, poor blood supply, and spine problems.
10. Pavanamuktasana:
Pavanamuktasana (also known as Wind Removing Asana) is excellent for your abdominal issues. It releases gas, improves acidity, and burns belly fat. The asana is also followed by those who have back muscle pain.
Believe in yoga and you will start believing in a healthy lifestyle. Many people have cured chronic diseases through yoga positions and so can you! You are not promoting yoga by following it; you are promoting healing in your own life for a healthy survival.
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Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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