What to Expect as Yoga Instructor Expenditure and Payment wise
Many enthusiasts of the five thousand-year-old art of yoga are getting more and more serious about making a livelihood founded on yoga. Taken on face value, the profession of yoga instructing might sound a lot like adventure, but then what is life without giving power to the calling, tuning into your heart’s desires, right? Thought through, it takes equal parts dream and practicality to get the life and means of living you want and it is with yoga that you can give wings to your free-spirited rouge side, and keep things afloat too. However, we must mention that it is not the materialistic objective that can make your yoga successful as a profession but must be driven by a far stronger and deep running quest for the spiritual.
The Practical Question
To delve into the heart of the practical side of this profession, how much can you expect to bring home from teaching yoga classes in the West?According to a Payscale survey, yoga lessons in the US doled out in the hourly format, gives an estimate between $13.72 and $49.97 of income. Now, it is up to the capacity and dedication of individual teachers, how long they can afford to give to this profession. This is only but in the beginning. As an instructor, you can totally count on exponential salary increase as your experience and individual talent start making an impression.
The Fiscal Side to Becoming a Teacher
All this pleasure of bringing home the dough, getting to afford a substantial holidaying break, and staying in full-throttled energy and excitement with tripping around the world, conducting classes, participating in workshops, and attending festivals, does not happen without an outflow for getting your yoga teaching prerequisites and setup right at first. This brings us to the second part of seeing from the practical perspective—the cost to be endured for becoming a yoga teacher.Let’s go over briefly, the expenses you need to shoulder to get that coveted status of a yoga teacher—
- To be registered with the world renowned Yoga Alliance International and its different subsidiary agencies, you must train from a Yoga Alliance affiliated school.
Your preference can lie with any globally situated Alliance registered yoga institute, but if you are looking to cut some costs and ace the training too, we suggest you train from India. In the birth land of this ancient art, you can find the most authentic of institutes presided over by great masters of the Indian yolk. Plus, the rate of any specialized yoga course is greatly affordable. The yoga venues India are exquisite and the local life of the people exemplifies the true ideals of yoga.
Browsing for top-rated yoga schools availing 200 hour yoga teacher training in India can open up yoga career options taking to new sparkling heights!
- As an aspiring yoga instructor of distinction, it is highly advised to take up additional courses alongside your yoga teacher training. Courses in India relating to yoga are available in categories outside of YTTs. Though cost for taking these courses won’t be as high and mighty as teacher training, you must save at least a quarter of a regular YTT course fee for one of these.
- Make sure to look for additional half-month long training in Yoga Adjustment-Alignment, philosophy degree courses in Yoga Vedanta, and other important topics. To have certified understanding of hands-on adjustment techniques, an insight into the philosophical groundwork of yoga with a Vedanta course, and the ilk is doubtlessly going to add extra mileage to your yoga career.
- As long as you are counting your expenditure, don’t forget to count on liability insurance cost for your upcoming classes.
- The first whooping big cost on your yoga accounts diary after getting done with your training is the studio rental cost. If you are looking to start it slow and proper, make a home studio. If that option is out of your books, look for rental spaces in the local gym. This way, you can engage with the fitness folks in the town more easily.
Marketing Goals
With all the above listed pointers taken care of, you may want to pay some attention finally to marketing strategies. This is not an expenditure to be shouldered during your first stage in the market. Use the initial phase to scan the yoga realm you have joined and make your niche there.
If you have taken a place in a gym, direct your marketing strategies for the gym bugs in innovative ways, and as interests pour in, you may up your rates! At a spiritual center, the motivation for yoga is slightly different and if that’s your calling, you got to downplay your marketing stances.
As the days go by and you develop more insight into the market, try to expand your teaching field to Yoga Therapy or Meditation. Build different pay structures for these different modules of learning yoga and market them in attractive combined packages for charges that are substantial for you.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers

Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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