Yoga for blood pressure
It is essential that we recognize stress, which is accompanying us everywhere we set our foot. From boardrooms to bedrooms, there is no place where we seem to find respite from this demon. The simple reason of stress is demanding lifestyles, increasing expectations, ego issues, traffic, pressure at work and non-understanding environment at home. Stress is related to autoimmune diseases and other problems like insomnia, BP, tension etc. It is noted in the studies that stress has a negative impact on the sleep patterns, which leads to sleeplessness at night and gives birth to sleepiness in the daytime. This hinders the performance level in the professional arena, thereby creating more stress. This cyclical pattern is a vicious circle, which consumes us every day.
Whether it is children, adults, youth or elderly, we all find it difficult to lock stress and other problems related to it because stress itself is not a direct danger rather it leads to a lot of other health issues that pose danger to healthy living and happiness quotient. Exercise by way of yoga, which involves not just the physical body, but mentally and emotionally as well, helps us to gain victory over this social demon.
A therapeutic intervention, yoga is a science, which focuses on inner harmony and unitive experience of the mind, body and soul. Incorporating physical activity as well as breath work and meditation, yoga is like a counter medicine to the stress levels and helps in managing the cortisol level- the stress releasing hormone. Physical activity has been juxtaposed to stress relieving activity, where the practitioners find emotional distress, depression and tension fading away. The day-to-day challenges are dealt with ease as stress & tension is highly reduced by yoga asanas. Poses like corpse pose, Headstand, handstand, forward ends, child’s pose, semi-inverted pose reverses the flow of blood to the head, which relieves the brain and heart.
Pranayama and meditation both act as a soothing ointment to the depressed mind and help in balancing blood pressure levels and sleep cycles. When the patient practices meditation and pranayama in a routine based format, his/her body accepts the changes and witnesses them with a third person perspective. He/she is able to come to terms with the challenges of life, which makes him/her active, balanced and calm. Yogic sleep, Inner silence, candle meditation or chakra cleansing meditation are some of the meditation used by the Aumyogashala studio to tackle problems like insomnia, BP, stress etc.
Directing the mind towards a more stable place, breath work or pranayama like Alternate Nostril breathing, Bee’s Breath or Psychic breathing etc. is largely helpful in hearing the voice of the mind clearly. The practitioner enjoys the personal space inside his/her body where the mind holds all the answer to the problems they he/she is facing currently. The breath work also balances the left and right hemispheres of the brains and all the nadis in the body also gets balanced with the help of breath work, thereby balancing the prana or the quintessential life force in the body.
Stress is not something we can banish, but with the help of yoga therapy, stress can definitely be put under control and dealt with easily. High blood pressure, insomnia, tension and anxiety can be taken care of with the help of therapeutic intervention of yoga. Aumyogashala studio excels in dealing with these problems and helps the students and patients to build healthy relationships with themselves and others around them. This lets them enjoy and take life with ease, joy and glory. The certified teachers have years of experience in dealing with this issue and offer a respite from all this and more.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers

Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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