Yoga for Seniors
Watching kids and youngsters twisting, and working their bodies on the mat in complicated ways, as a senior, if you think you are too old for yoga, then it is time to change this thought. Roll out your yoga mat and start practicing specific Yoga poses for seniors and reap its benefits because “Yoga knows no age”.
Yoga is wonderful for seniors. It helps them maintain their balance, muscle mass, and overall health. It keeps the joints flexible and, teaches how to cope up with the mental state. Yoga incredibly improves focus, concentration, and emotional wellbeing. It helps seniors calm their mind and stay healthy. Group yoga classes are tremendously beneficial for older people as it gives them a sense of purpose and community.
If you are a senior who has never been on the mat, start your yoga practice with below-mentioned yoga poses for seniors to keep yourself strong, youthful, and full of life:
1. Mountain Pose or Tadasana: This is the foundational pose for all other standing poses. It helps keep feet healthy and strong. If practised regularly, it improves posture and reduces body ache.
How to do: Stand straight with feet together. Pull your abdominals in and out. Relax your shoulders. Breathe deeply 5-6 times and observe the stretch in the body.
2. Tree Pose or Vakrasana: One of the great yoga poses for seniors for balancing and strength building. Regular practice of this asana increases stability and muscle strength in your legs and, also improves balance and concentration.
How to be done: Begin in standing pose. Keep one foot on the opposite calf or thigh. Once you are stable, bend the elbows and slowly raise your forearms to the shoulder height. Join the palms in front of the chest in a prayer position. Hold the posture for 5-8 breaths.
3. Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: The yoga pose is extremely important for seniors. It focuses on balancing and strengthening the muscles in the legs, hips, and lower back while opening the heart and the shoulders.
How it is done: Lie on the back and rest on the floor. Start kneeling in this pose and keep the feet flat on the floor. Gently lift the hips off the floor. Now press the arms and shoulders to lift the chest up. Hold the posture for 4-8 breaths.
4. Downward Facing Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Savasana: This is one of the amazing yoga asanas for seniors with wrist issues. It works amazingly on joint health, provides flexibility, and overall body strength. A Down Dog pose a day keeps the doctor away!
How to do: Come on all your fours. Tuck your toes in and stretch your arms in the front. Spread the fingers wide, press the palms on the floor and raise the back up towards the ceiling to form a triangle shape with the body. Hold the posture for 5-8 breaths.
5. Sphinx Pose or Salamba Bhujangasana: This is one of the gentle yet effective yoga asanas for seniors. It opens up the chest.
How to do: Lie down on the stomach with feet together and toes flat on the floor. Stretch the arms in the front and keep the forearms on the mat with palms facing down and elbows under the shoulders. Press into arms and lift the head, shoulder and abdominal muscles off the floor while keeping the navel on the floor. Hold the posture for 5-8 breaths.
6. Cobbler’s Pose or Baddha Konasana: It is one of the great yoga asanas for seniors to massage their feet and keep the hips open.
How to do: Sit erect on the mat with legs extended in the front. Bend the knees to bring the heels towards the pelvis. Bring your knees down to the sides and join the soles of the feet together. Press the outer edges of the feet firmly on the floor. Hold the toes with fingers and look straight. Stay in the posture for a few breaths.
7. Corpse Pose or Savasana: This yoga pose improves the functioning of the nervous system and restores peace of the body and mind.
How to do: Lie flat on the mat in sleeping position. Keep the hands sideways with palms facing the ceiling. Close the eyes and, breathe deeply through nostrils. Completely relax from head to toe. Stay in the pose for as long as you want.
So seniors, do these unique yoga asanas on a regular basis to stay happy, healthy and young.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers
Devender Bhardwaj
Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher
Amit Kumar
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