Yoga Poses for Kids
From celebrities to athletes and common people, Yoga is now a part of most of the adult’s lifestyle because of the wonderful benefits it brings to the mind, body, and soul. But have you ever thought of introducing this miraculous art to your children? If not yet, then start to share your yoga practice with children from very now. From celebrities to athletes and common people is now a part of most of the adult’s lifestyle because of the wonderful benefits it brings to the mind, body, and soul. But have you ever thought of introducing this miraculous art to your children? If not yet, then start to share your yoga practice with children from very now.
The benefits of Yoga for kids are endless, possibly more than what it brings for adults. From enhancing their creativity to sharpening their personality and helping them stay active and fit both mentally and physically, Yoga can do wonders for your child. It enhances your child’s personality at all levels. It is quite beneficial for children with hyperactive and attention deficit disorder.
Amazing Yoga Benefits for Children:
- Improves their concentration and focus
- Helps them stay calm
- Stress Reduction
- Healthy mind and body
- Develops self-esteem and confidence
- Increases creativity and imagination power
- Improves their mental sharpness
Here are some of the easy-to-do yoga poses for kids that will keep them healthy and fit:
The Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: It is one of the best yoga asanas for kids. It is great for strengthening the legs, increasing the ankle stability and energy in the body.
How to do: Instruct the child to lie on the back and bend both the knees so that his feet are flat on the floor. Bring his heels close to the bottom as much as he can. Instruct him to raise his hips towards the sky.
The Downward facing dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana: The yoga posture increases the flexibility in children’s body and enables them to perform various activities properly.
How to do: Instruct the child to come on his all fours. Tuck his toes and raise the bottom in a way the body and the mat create a triangle. Bring his chest in forward direction and keep his head released in downward direction. Keep his feet firmly on the ground. If needed, then bend his knees to get support.
The Crescent Moon or Ardha Chandrasana: It is an amazing yoga posture for kids that helps enhance the flexibility in the side parts of the body.
How to do: Instruct the child to lift up the arms towards the sky and stretch the fingertips of both sides. Doing this will help him in balancing the weight of the torso and provide the necessary flexibility as well. Advise him to breathe deeply.
The Tree Pose or Vrksasana: The pose helps calm the mind. It helps children build balance and attentiveness. It enhances concentration and aids in the development of the brain.
How to do: Ask your child to stand straight on his feet. Instruct him to press one foot firmly into the ground and lift the second foot in the air. When he becomes stable, tell him to turn out the knee with the lifted heel and bring the heel to the inner thigh.
The Mountain Pose or Tadasana: One of the most simple yoga pose for kids. It is amazing for strengthening, lengthening, attaining peace and improving posture. It also help in increasing height gradually.
How to do: Press the feet firmly into the ground. Keep the entire body straight and relax the shoulders. Put the whole body weight equally on both feet and look forward.
The Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana: The pose helps loosen the tight hamstrings and increases the flexibility in the children’s body. It amazingly reverses the blood flow.
How to do: Exhale and bend forward from the hip joints. If needed, bend the knees to get support. Release the arms and head downwards and sway from side to side.
The Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana: The yoga asana facilitates hip-opening, which is great for children body. It also excellently works on the spine.
How to do: Let the child lie on the back. Bring his knees towards the navel and instruct her to grab the feet with the hands. Instruct her to open her knees as wide as she can.
The Butterfly Pose or Bandhasana: This yoga asana is amazing for opening the hips of a child. It also provides a good stretch to the ankles.
How to do: Tell your child to sit straight and push down the knees or thighs with the elbows. Join the feet together to allow more hip-opening. Advise her to hold the feet with hands if support is needed.
The Child Pose or Balasana: It is a fabulous resting yoga pose for kids that soothes the mind.
How to do: Tell your child to sit back on the heels with the support of all the fours. Tell her to take the palms away from the body gradually to stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles.
Encourage your children to practise these simple yet powerful yoga asanas and get them moving, more focused, calm and less stressed.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers

Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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