5 Advanced Yoga Poses
Practising yoga for several years but now bored of same simple repetitive sequences. Watching advanced level yoga practitioners and instructors tying themselves to unbelievable knots, you wish to refresh your practice. Keen on exploring new variations and taking your yoga moves to the next level? Get started with Advanced yoga poses and keep yourself challenged. Practising yoga for several years but now bored of same simple repetitive sequences. Watching advanced level yoga practitioners and instructors tying themselves to unbelievable knots, you wish to refresh your practice. Keen on exploring new variations and taking your yoga moves to the next level? Get started with Advanced yoga poses and keep yourself challenged.
Take a look at some of the best challenging yoga poses given below to deepen your yoga practice:
1. Lord of the Dance Pose or Natarajasana: Begin in Tadasana. Inhale and shift your weight to the left foot and extend the right heel behind towards the buttock. Put pressure on the left leg, thigh, knee, and hip to ensure that both legs are properly balanced. Now, take your right hand behind to grasp the toe of the raised leg. Extend the left hand forward, parallel to the floor. Lift your hips and pelvis accordingly to avoid additional strain. Stay in this posture for 20-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
2. Crow Pose: Stand with feet wide apart and hands resting at the sides. Come into a squat position by bending your knees and lowering your hips. Keep your thighs apart in a way that they are wider than torso but also keep the feet as close as possible. Bend slightly forward and bring your upper arms in between your knees. Press the elbows to the inside of the knees and join the palms in prayer position. Now, keep the palms on the mat at shoulder-distance apart. Spread the fingers and press across both palms evenly through knuckles. Bring your knees close to the underarms as much as possible. Lift onto the feet balls and lean forward. Draw your back and abdominal muscles inwards and, tuck your tailbone towards the heels. Look at the floor between your hands. Continue to lean forward and lift your feet off the floor. Bring the heels toward the buttocks. Now, begin to straighten your elbows and try to touch your toes. Hold the posture for a few breaths.
3. Peacock Pose or Mayurasana: Sit on your heels with knees wide apart. Lean forward and keep the hands on the floor with fingers pointing towards the belly. Slightly bend the elbows to join the sides of hands and elbows together. Press the elbows into the midriff area while keeping the belly firm. Drop down your head. Straighten the knee and extend one leg behind and bring the other leg beside it. Keep the upper part of the feet on the floor. Keep the shoulders relaxed and buttocks firm. Now, turn your head upwards and look straight. Ensure that the legs are straight and firm and feet are flat on the floor. Hold the posture for 10-60 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.
4. Lotus Pose or Padmasana: Sit on the floor with back straight and legs extended in front of you. Now, bend the right knee and place it on the top of the left thigh. Ensure that the sole is pointed upwards and is close to the abdomen. Repeat the same with the other leg. Make sure that the soles of the feet point upward and the heels are close to the abdomen. Now, with both the legs crossed and feet close to abdomen, place your hands on the knees in a mudra position. Keep your back and head straight. Breathe deeply and hold the posture for a few seconds.
5. Handstand Pose or Adho Mukha Vrksasana: Start in Adho Mukha Svanasana with hands almost 6 inches away from the wall. Now slowly, slide forward towards your hands and place the shoulders right over your wrists. Bend one knee and raise the other leg off the floor. Try to keep it straight and slowly raise the other leg also. Hold the posture until you are comfortable. Keep your head in between the arms. Now gently move your legs away from the wall along with maintaining the balance. Gaze at a specific point at the floor. Hold the pose for 1-3 minutes and breathe deeply. So, challenge yourself with these advanced yoga poses and reap the wonderful yoga benefits for mind, body, and soul.
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Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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