An Ideal Hatha Yoga Sequence for Beginners

Taking the first step towards a sincere yoga practice can be quite overwhelming. With an array of forms and styles encapsulated in the science of yoga from traditional-classic-contemporary, assessing and further selecting the appropriate style is not easy. While it can be quite confusing to choose a particular style that satisfies your requirements, it can be equally difficult to select the one most appropriate to get started with. The traditional system of Hatha Yoga has long been recognized as the most ideal and unique forms of yoga to prepare a body for reaching higher levels of yoga and meditation consciousness. While it may not be the best style for every yogi as each yogi has different requirement, it is definitely the ideal yoga form to get started with. Here, we have discussed an ideal Hatha Yoga sequence comprising of seven amazing Hatha Yoga Asanas for you to try and discipline into:

Tadasana (or the Mountain Pose)

The Mountain Pose marks the foundation of all the standing asanas and, is essential for stretching and strengthening of various muscles in the body, including the neck, thighs, ankles, hips, and abdomen.

Tadasana (or the Mountain Pose)

To get into this pose, stand on the mat with feet aligned together and hands by your side. If uncomfortable, then keep a foot gap between the feet, parallel to each other. Draw your breath inwards and slowly lift your ankles while stretching the thighs, elongating the spine, and the neck. Maintain the curve of the spine while doing so. Gently exhale and hold the pose for a few seconds.

No. of Repetitions: 10-12

Uttanasana (or the Forward Bend Pose)

Uttanasana (or the Forward Bend Pose)

To get into the Uttanasana, stand on the mat with both feet parallel to each other 12-14 inches apart. Draw your abdomen inwards upon inhalation and bend forward at the hips. Make an attempt to touch the feet with the finger tips while exhaling. If your body permits, then try to grab the ankles in your hands. Stay in the posture for a few seconds, feeling the stretch and tone in your hamstrings, hips, waist, abdomen, and thighs.

No. of Repetitions: 10-15

Ashwasanchalanasana (or the Equestrian Pose)

Ashwasanchalanasana (or the Equestrian Pose)

Practice this amazing Low Lunge Yoga Pose by standing on your legs, feet next to each other. Now take your left leg behind towards the edge of the mat. Bend the right leg at the knee to form a 90-degree angle to the floor. Feel the stretch in the thighs, hips, and ankles while gently supporting this posture on the tip of your fingers. Remain in this pose for a few seconds before switching on the other leg.

No. of Repetitions: 10-12 (each side)

Virabhadrasana (or the Warrior Pose)

Virabhadrasana (or the Warrior Pose)

Stand on the mat with a couple of foot gap in between the feet. Draw your breath and belly inwards and bend forward at the hips to until the hands are resting on the mat. Your body should assume the pose of a perfect inverted V-shape when completely into this pose. Remain in the position for a few breaths before coming back to the initial posture.

No. of Repetitions: 10-15

Bhujangasana (or the Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana (or the Cobra Pose)

To get into the Bhujangasana, lie flat on the mat on your stomach. Rest both the arms on either side of the body. Now, bend the arms at the elbow and place the palms underneath the shoulders. Feel the strength in your back and hold the body weight within it. Gently lift the torso higher while supporting the entire movement from the back and hips. Make sure not to exert any weight or strain in the arms. Curve your back as far as comfortable. Face towards the ceiling. Remain in this posture for a few deep breaths.

No. of Repetitions: 12-15

Shavasana (or the Corpse Pose)

Shavasana (or the Corpse Pose)

This pose is not mandatory to the sequence. However, it is crucial to the successful conclusion of the sequence. This pose will help in the restoration of the body’s vials while placing the mind and the body in a completely relaxed zone. Rest on the mat on your back, comfortably so. Close your eyes and focus on maintaining a smooth breathing pattern. Divulge any overbearing thought away and just be in the moment.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Team a regular practice of this wonderful Hatha Yoga sequence with a wholesome yogic diet plan to gain holistic benefits from the practice.

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