6 Easy to do Yoga Poses for Relaxation
It is normal to become tired in the tussle of matching the pace of everyday hectic life. Amidst dealing with a bunch of responsibilities on day-to day basis, the only thing our overworked body seeks at the end of a day is relaxation. Falling on the bed and drifting off to sleep is not the solution as you still feel tired, weak and cranky when waking up next morning. It is essential to relax the body and mind completely in order to keep their functioning consistent. It is normal to become tired in the tussle of matching the pace of everyday hectic life.
So, what are you supposed to do? How to relax at home to find balance and serenity? When your average days become too tensed and tiring and you can’t take it any more, it is time to hit a yoga mat and, start practising relaxation yoga. There is no other better way than yoga to revitalize your mind and body.
Relaxation yoga consists of breathing exercises and poses that help unburden the body of tension and tiredness accumulated in it all day long. The yoga poses for relaxation revitalize the nerves, calm the mind and bring the scattered energy in the body together.
Try some of the best yoga asanas for relaxation given below and get back on the track with renewed energy:
1. Supta Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose: Start in Staff pose or Dandasana. Keep your back straight and extend the legs in front of you. Let the arms rest on the sides with palms facing down. Now, bring your heels toward the pelvis by bending the knees. Press the feet on the floor and let your knees fall to both sides. Hold the toes with the first two fingers and press the outer edge of the feet firmly on the floor. Elongate the spine and look straight, at the tip of the nose. Hold the pose for 5 minutes and then gently release.
2. Viparita Karani or Legs up the wall: Sit with your support about 5-6 inches away from the wall. Inhale deeply and on exhalation, tilt your torso towards the support being used while swinging the legs up against the wall. Now, bend backwards gently and lie down. Round the front portion of the torso slightly. Your support should be below your waist and if you slip, readjust yourself again by moving closer to the wall. Keep your legs straight and feel the entire stretch from pubis to the shoulders.Tilt your head slightly downwards, relax your shoulder blades and keep the arms at the sides with palms facing down. Hold the posture for 5 minutes at least.
3. Balasana or Child’s Pose: Sit on your heels with knees together or apart. Now, slowly lean forward, allowing your forehead to touch the floor while exhaling. Keep the arms alongside the body with palms facing up or reach out the arms forward in the front of the yoga mat with palms facing down. Now, gently press the chest on thighs. Hold the posture for 45-60 seconds and gently release.
4. Makarasana or Crocodile Pose: Lie down on your stomach. Now, fold your hands keeping the tips of the elbows on the ground and fingers facing upwards. The elbows should be shoulder-distance apart. Lift your shoulders and head upwards. Keep the neck straight and look forward. Tilt your head downwards and place your chin on the palms. Stretch out the legs with toes facing outwards. Breathe normally and relax your muscles. Stay in this posture for a few minutes.
5. Standing Forward Pose or Uttanasana: Start in Tadasana or Mountain pose with feet hip width apart. Place the hands on the hips and elongate the spine while inhaling. Now, hinge the hips and fold forward reaching out to the floor. Bend the knees in order to keep lower back tension free. Let your arms and head hang freely and try to bring fingertips to the ground. Shift your weight into the balls of the feet. Hold the posture for a few seconds and come out gently.
6. Savasana or Corpse Pose: Lie down flat on the back with legs separated. Keep the arms at the sides with palms facing up. Relax completely and close the eyes. Breathe deeply through the nostrils and focus on relaxing all the body parts from head to toe. Hold the posture for 3-5 minutes.
Attempt these simple yoga asanas for relaxation at the end of the day and say goodbye to tiredness.
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