Get Information about Yoga and Its Benefits
This might be not the first time you would be hearing that Yoga is more than a physical workout routine. The healing art that originated more than 5000 years ago in India is a comprehensive life philosophy. Yoga means ‘to unite;. Consisting of physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation, Yoga refers to the fusion of body, mind, and spirit. It offers multifarious benefits and reaping its benefits doesn’t take long at all. Just a few minutes of practice on everyday basis can transform your entire being on mental, physical, and spiritual level. Here, we will take a gander at some of the astounding ways yoga impacts and enhances our mind, body and spirit:
Increases Strength and Flexibility: While performing yoga postures, all the major and small muscles groups within the body are involved, resulting in increased flexibility and strength from head to toe. While holding yoga postures, our muscles are stretched and strengthened. Several yoga positions engage core muscles and provide stability to the body. The weight bearing postures help build bone density, increasing the overall strength of the body.
Helps Maintain Optimum Weight: Yoga practices like Kapalbhati Pranayama and Sun Salutations help in normalizing the body weight. Also, practicing yoga on a regular basis makes us sensitive towards our food choices and helps keep a check on our weight. It encourages healthy eating habits and helps us maintain our weight.
Releases Tension: A few minutes of yoga practice each day releases tension effectively, both mentally and physically. It lowers the stress cortisol levels and promotes deep relaxation.
Provides Inner Peace: We visit serene places, connect with nature and take therapies to find peace but the true peace lies within us. Deep meditative practices take us into calm, peaceful world with no external disturbances and provide us with a sense of peace.
Boosts Immunity: Our system is a blend of mind, body, and spirit. A physical malfunctioning can affect the mind as well. In the same way, any disturbance or restlessness in mind can cause physical illness too. Yoga practice massages our vital organs and strengthens the muscles. While the breathing exercises and meditation involved in yoga relieve stress and calm the mind. When the entire system functions properly, our immune system improves too.
Provides Greater Clarity and Awareness: Our mind is always occupied with thoughts of the past and the future. Being aware of our mental tendency can help us relax our mind. Meditative practices in yoga keep practitioners focused on the present moment and increase concentration, memory, and coordination.
Helps Us Manage Relationships Better: Yoga keeps us calm and boosts happiness in our life. With regular practice of yoga, we become self-aware and self-loving and, thus are able to connect and relate better with others. It helps us improve relationships with our beloved ones.
Increases Energy: Yoga asanas in combination with deep breathing exercises increase the blood circulation within the body. Moving through the different postures promotes oxygen supply to the cells, flushes internal organs, and eliminates the toxins from the body. This results in increased energy which keeps us refreshed throughout the day.
Improves Posture: When you practice yoga for the first time, you might find it difficult to bend down or stretch the body upwards. But, over time you develop the posture to perform various poses with ease. Yoga increases our range of motion and improves body alignment, which is often disturbed due to hunching and slumping over the computer for long hours in desk jobs. Yoga provides better body posture and relieves back, neck, shoulder pain and muscle stiffness.
Develops Intuition: Yoga is a quiet practice which helps us connect with our true self. It calms our buzzing mind and allows us to find answers from within. It develops and heightens our intuitive ability.By enhancing the development of intuition, it helps us make decisions from our true self and, helps in finding answers to questions to the most tumultuous questions as well.
So, make yoga a part of your daily lifestyle and reward yourself with physical fitness, mental calmness and spiritual fulfilment.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers

Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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