The benefits of Navasana Boat Pose
Explore in deep the health benefits of navasana through this blog.
The balance between the three core: body, mind, and spirit are undeniably important for an individual. The dissonance between the three major areas of wellness creates an imbalance in life. However, we live in a world which largely focuses on the physical health targeting a robust body and an attractive appearance. Meanwhile, with day-to-day lives becoming busier, achieving mental and spiritual wellness is getting tough.
Having said that, the science of yoga is a ‘knight in the shining armor’. A discipline of health that aims to unify the intrinsically intertwined body, mind, and soul for harmonious living. The performance of a balancing Boat pose helps in building greater physical, mental, and spiritual health. By doing so, it assists the practitioners in conquering the difficult situations of life, lends to a defined sense of self, an enhanced confidence, and a balanced ego.
This yoga posture allows us to embrace the strengths of all those around without any fear. Learn how to do the yoga posture:
Step 1: Sit upright on a yoga mat. Keep your legs unbent in front of you and palms behind the hips.
Step2: Lengthen the front torso and slightly lean backward.
Step 3: Exhale, bend your knees, and lift the feet up above the floor.
Step 4: Angle your thighs at 45-degrees relative to the floor.
Step 5: Gently, straighten your legs and try to raise them as high as possible.
Step 6: Now, stretch your arms alongside the legs and parallel to the floor.
Step 7: Lift the chin towards your sternum.
Step 8: Breathe Easily. First remain in this pose for 10-20 seconds and then gradually increase your time to 60 seconds.
Take a look at the seven notable benefits of boat pose:
1. Balances the root chakra: The Muladhara is the energy center located at the base of the spine. The Root chakra is a place of ambitions, virtues, connection to the self, and physical identity. The imbalanced root chakra makes a person depressed and exhausted. The unbalanced root chakra causes a feeling of not living a truthful life that honors our unique needs. Boat pose is the best yoga posture that balances the root chakra helping the people create a divine connection with the self.
2. Harmonizes The Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra is located in the belly. The sacral chakra is an abode to our moral, emotions, and ego. When it is unbalanced, we feel hopeless and sick. The boat yoga posture actively strengthens the physical core and balances the sacral chakra. When we feel confident, empowered and fearless, we are less susceptible to negativity.
3. Strengthens the Abdominal Muscles: Navasana is a powerful yoga posture that strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles. Strong core muscles make it easier for a person to carry out the day-to-day physical activities and prevent the onset of several health problems like back pain and osteoporosis. Also, boat pose is a natural method of developing six-pack abs.
4. Effective Weight Loss: Boat Yoga posture facilitates stretching, compressing, and relaxing of the abdominal muscles thus helping to burn unwanted stomach and waist fat. It is one of the effective yoga postures for a slim, slender and tall body.
5. Good For digestion: A regular practice of navasana stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines, effectively secretes the gastric juices, and improves digestion so that everything moves smoothly.
6. Healthy Kidneys: Kidneys are responsible for filtration of the blood, regulating it, red blood cell production in the body, and so much more. The boat pose stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and reduces the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, etc.
7. Energizes the body: By flushing out the toxins from the body, enhancing the functions of the internal organs such as kidneys, digestive system, and balancing the hormonal system, the boat pose energizes the whole body and keeps a yogi fit and active.
Make your inner light shine bright and strong with the practice of Boat Pose (Navasana) on a regular basis.
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Devender Bhardwaj
Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher
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