Top 7 Excellent Benefits of Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand


Sarvangasana is a Sanskrit word that means Sarva- all or entire, and Anga- organ or body part. It is also called Shoulder stand pose and plays a pivotal role in the overall functioning of the body. Sarvangasana is an inverted Hatha yoga pose with many variations, the most common being Salamba Sarvangasana or Supported Shoulder Stand. The asana brings harmony and tranquillity to the body and promotes good health.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

Sarvangasana is known as ‘Mother of all Asana’ as the posture involves the whole body and works for the betterment of the entire structure. There are a lot of health benefits of Shoulder Stand that include:

Health benefits of Sarvangasana:

 Sarvangasana means ‘posture of the complete body.’ The asana works effectively on activating the important glands and improves their functioning.

1.  Aids in Digestion

A healthy digestion promotes proper functioning of the body parts. Unhealthy digestion is caused due to many reasons including unhealthy diet, stress, and lack of sleep. Sarvangasana helps improve digestion, relieves constipation, and makes bowel movements smooth.

2. Calms Headache And Relaxes Mind

Shoulder stand enhances the blood supply to the head region and soothes the nerves. It also helps calm a headache, relieves migraine pain, and relaxes the mind. Not only this, the pose works effectively on treating issues like insomnia, stress, and hypertension. The pose soothes the nerves and treats those suffering from shortness of temper, irritation, and nervous breakdown.

3. Strengthens The Upper Body

There are a lot of benefits of Sarvangasana that heal you both internally and externally. Its physical health benefits include the strengthening of the upper body. While practicing shoulder stand, we tend to put the body weight on neck, shoulders and upper back, which helps to strengthen these core areas of the upper body.

4. Great For Heart Health

 The asana is great for the heart health and prevents heart conditions. As lying in the inverted position, the heart doesn’t have to put many efforts in pumping blood to different body parts. This promotes proper heart function and prevents palpitations.

5. Regulates Proper Functioning of Thyroid

As mentioned, the pose activates important glands and regulates the functioning. Shoulder stand promotes healthy functioning of kidney, liver, pituitary, testes, pineal, and spleen. It puts gentle pressure on Thymus, Thyroid, and Parathyroid glands, and nourishes them.

6. Boosts Immune System

This yoga asana makes the immune system strong and wards off the diseases, infections, and illnesses. The lymphatic system is in-charge of boosting the immune system response among the other functions and by lying inverted (in shoulder stand) the lymphatic system gets stimulated while boosting the immune system response.

7. Cures Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can cause long-term health complications. The condition owns to an irregular supply of the blood to the heart. Apart from it, obesity, walking frequently in high heels, and hormonal fluctuations, are also responsible for these veins. The problem is spreading rapidly among women, especially during pregnancy. Practicing the asana helps to reduce the blood pressure in the blood vessels of the legs, thereby giving relief to those who are facing the problem of varicose veins.

Other benefits of Shoulder stand:

  • Helps burn fat and aids in weight loss
  • Prevents wrinkles and other signs of aging
  • Beneficial in case of sexual problems
  • Prevents hair fall
  • Stimulates stomach and intestinal glands and relives people with stomach and intestinal ulcers
  • Relieves common cold and nasal congestions

How to practice Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand):

  • Lie flat on the back on the ground with palms facing down.
  • Now slowly lift your legs, hips, and back. Support your back with the hands and arms.
  • Put your body weight on your shoulders, neck, and head.
  • Keep your legs and spine erect, but avoid straining your neck.
  • Stay in the pose for 15-30 seconds. Release and come back to the starting position.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) Precautions:

  • People with high blood pressure should not practice this asana.
  • Avoid practicing it during menstruation.
  • Do not practice in case of acute thyroid, a chronic neck condition, experiencing a spiral problem, shoulder injuries, glaucoma, and retina problems.
  • People with issues like a chronic heart condition, capillary, slip disc, spondylosis, and middle ear problem should avoid practicing it.

Practicing Sarvangasana dailys make you feel great in the mind and body. It not only helps to prevent and cure ailments but also promotes good health and corrects the lifestyle.

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