Top 7 Health benefits of Balasana Child Pose


Expand your knowledge about the health benefits of balasana pose through this blog.

Peace and Relaxation– we all love it.


In an era where stress has become an epidemic and restful sleep a distant dream, why not gather all the tools and techniques for not only dealing with it but preventing it from gripping us. It can’t get much simpler than the science of yoga. With varying methods like yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, yoga nidra, let yoga be your go-to panacea for whatever ails you.

Child Pose

Comfort your soul with the practice of the deeply resting yoga posture– The Balasana (Child Pose). A rejuvenating yoga posture that washes out the feelings of tiredness, stress, and burn-out. It opens up the stiff body and promotes sensations of calmness and aids in restoration.


Before we discuss the incredible health benefits of balasana pose, an effective yoga posture that connects you with your surroundings and heals your whole health, let us learn the steps of getting into the pose:


1. Kneel on a yoga mat. Sit back on your heels and separate your knees hip-width apart.

2. Breathe out and fold your torso down between the thighs.

3. Rest the core on the thighs. Elongate your tailbone.

4. Rest your arms alongside your torso with palms facing upwards.

5. Breathe smoothly and hold this posture for as long as you like.


Practice the child pose with the right technique and savor its wide array of rewards. Here is a list of top seven health benefits of child pose:

1. Treats lower back pain: If you find yourself sitting all day long, standing or doing a job that requires heavy lifting of objects and extreme movements then a lower back pain is inevitable at some point or the other. Child pose effectively stretches and frees up the lower back. You can easily target the different areas of discomfort by modifying the child pose. Hence, it is an excellent yoga asana to alleviate pain from the lower back.

2. Improves Digestion: During the practice of child pose, the torso and abdominal muscles rest on the thighs that gently massages the digestive tract and enhances digestion. The proper functioning of the digestive system helps in curing and preventing problems like indigestion, acidity, and constipation. The child pose compresses the stomach and stimulates the functioning of the intestines resulting in a proper digestion.


3. Calms the Mind: An effective alternative to the pills for releasing the stress and soothing the headaches. Balasana powerfully calms the whirling mind and directs your attention towards breath and body. By placing the forehead on the floor this yoga posture becomes very grounding and fosters feelings of peace and harmony.

4. Cures Fatigue: The overworked body becomes immensely exhausted by the end of the day and people usually resort to sleeping for some respite. However, it does not freshen you up fully. Child pose is an effective resting yoga asana that reduces stress levels, fatigue, and dizziness. The restorative powers of the pose enhance blood circulation, mood, and energy of a practitioner. Before going to bed, make it a habit to practice balasana for refreshing mornings.


5. Better Blood Circulation: Performing Balasana with coordinated breathing patterns promotes better blood circulation within the body. An improved circulation confers wonderful benefits such as reduced stress levels, proper functioning of the internal organs, enhanced oxygen supply, and a lowered risk of heart diseases.


6. Height Growth: If you are looking for an effective method that adds up a few inches to your child’s height then consider practicing the child pose. A regular practice of this yoga posture stretches the spine, separates the individual’s vertebrae, and removes stickiness from it. Pliancy between the vertebrae increases the chances of improving the height by a manifold.


7. Regulates the Adrenal Glands: The adrenal glands are responsible for producing hormones that maintain blood sugar levels, burn fat, regulate blood pressure, and respond to stressors and injuries in the body. The child pose stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands and promotes a better health of a person.


Take a break from the hectic life, practice balasana (child pose) and revive your body-mind health.

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