Top 7 Standing Yoga Poses
If you have ever tried a leg stand or have tripped while performing a stunt, you must know the importance of balance in daily life. Without proper equilibrium, when we stand upright or try to do some activity, our body is more likely to wobble resulting in falls and injuries. If you are a sports junkie and love surfing, snowboarding, ice-hockey, etc., you must be aware of how incredibly indispensable good balance is for such sports and for daily activities too. The practice of standing yoga postures can help!
With a regular practice, you shall gain or regain the internal and external strength crucial to remain strong, stable, and centered in all aspects of life. Having a true sense of balance is not just limited to carrying out the day-to-day activities, instead, it extends beyond to physical, mental and emotional stability. Finding the center and the ability to remain firm while experiencing an improved focus, relieved stress, corrected posture, along with various therapeutic benefits. It helps you learn the techniques of approaching life with a sense of awareness and calmness, which is the sole aim of yoga. Here is a list of easy and effective standing yoga postures:
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): A foundational yoga posture that rewards the practitioners with wonderful benefits for the body and mind.
Stand upright on a yoga mat with feet close to each other and arms by your side. Equally, dispense the weight across the arches of the feet. Broaden your shoulder blades and lengthen your torso. Join your hands together in front of the heart. Breathe slowly and gaze in a forward direction.
2. Chair Pose(Utkatasana): A healing yoga pose that tones the whole body, improves balance, and corrects posture.
Begin in mountain pose. Inhale, raise the arms overhead. Keep the arms perpendicular to the floor. Bend the knees, form a right-angle with the torso over the thighs, and transfer the weight onto the heels of the feet. Keep the thighs parallel to the floor. Look at a point between the hands.
3. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): A wonderful balancing pose that stretches and builds strength in various body organs.
Stand tall on a yoga mat. Balance your body weight on the left leg. Bend the right knee and place the foot on the inner side of the left thigh. Keep your right foot pressed into the left thigh. Rest the hands on the hips or extend them up towards the sky.
4. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana): A strengthening yoga asana that toughens the shoulders, legs, thighs, and back muscles.
Stand upright on a yoga mat. Widen your feet 3-4 inches apart. Extend your arms perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. Turn the left foot 45-degree angle to the right and right foot to 90-degree angle. Twist your upper body to the right and bend the right knee over the right ankle for the shin to become parallel to the floor. Look at your thumbs.
5. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana): A classic yoga asana that stretches the back, legs, shoulders, and arms.
Begin in tabletop position. Press the hands into the floor and raise the hips high while lifting the knees off the mat. Curl the toes inward and stretch the legs behind. Bring the body into inverted position. Align the head between the upper arms and gaze at the navel.
6. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chakrasana): Embrace leg and ankle strength along with greater balance with the practice of half moon yoga asana.
Stand on the front edge of the yoga mat. Turn to the left side and spread your feet wide apart. Spread out your hands to the side at shoulder-height. Turn your left foot toes in and rotate the right foot out to 90-degree angle. Align both heels with each other. Bend sideways at the hip on the left side. Place your right hand on the ankle and rest the left hand on the left hip. Gaze at the thumb of the right hand.
7. High Lunge Pose( Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana): This yoga posture strengthens the legs and stretches the groins.
Begin in Uttanasana. Step your left foot behind without unbending the leg. Bend your right knee and set the right foot between the arms. Keep the palms on the floor and lift your head towards the ceiling. Roll the shoulders blades back and look straight ahead.
Practice the standing yoga postures and build strength, balance, flexibility for a robust living.
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Devender Bhardwaj
Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher
Amit Kumar
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