5 Best Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Bowing the head to the heart center allowing the blood to circulate freely through the brain, feeling a lengthening stretch in the spine, pelvis, and hamstrings as the stress and worries wash away – sensations of complete mental and physical relaxation surge in – this road to health and inner peace is led by the incredible practice of forward bend yoga asanas. Don’t we just adore that moment when our yoga instructor asks us to place ourselves in the forward fold positions? Indeed we do! And, why would we not? There are more than ten different reasons why performing forward bends is such an absolute requirement for a fetching yoga practice. Here are to list a few:
- Fuel the core, reproductive and digestive system for a healthy functioning of the entire body, including the abdomen, ovaries, kidneys, and liver.
- Provide relief from insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, and stress by stimulating the brain and nervous system.
- While building a stronger core, the forward bend asanas prepare the body for a higher level of yoga practices.
- Kindle and strengthen the legs, knees, muscles, and joints.
- Balance the flow of energy in the entire body and activate various chakras in the body.
Explore these five iconic forward bend yoga poses for holistic benefits:
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
The best yoga pose for stimulating the Manipura Chakra along with allowing an intense conditioning of the spinal region. Sit on the yoga mat with your legs aligned next to each other. Inhale and gently bend forward to grab the ankle with your hands while exhaling. Bow your head towards the heart center and close your eyes. If you are facing difficulty in grabbing the ankles between your hands then you may touch the toes of your feet with the finger tips. Remain in the pose for 30 seconds before releasing back to the initial position.
No. of Repetitions (for Beginners): 10-15
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
This is the best abdomen fat burner. Stand tall on the mat with both feet aligned with each other. Keep the entire body firm and erect, chin sharply parallel to the ground. Take a deep breath and raise your arms high in the air. Gently exhale and bend forward at the hips to touch or grab the ankle with your hands. Hold the position for 30 seconds before releasing the pose.
No. of Repetitions (for Beginners): 10-15
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Bend on your palm and feet like a table-top. Lift your lower body upward until the legs are straight and the hips are facing the ceiling. Engage the core to hold at least 60 percent of your body weight. Align the head with the spine, facing the heart center. Inhale and exhale gently.
No. of Repetitions (for Beginners): 10-15
Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)
For the beginners, this one requires the usage of a yoga block or bolster for supporting the body. Stand on the yoga mat. Spread the legs 4-5 feet apart. Pull both your arms behind the body and lock the fingers of both hands with each other. Take a deep breath and slowly bend forward at the hips. Be careful to do it as per the comfort level without compromising on the balance. Place a bolster on the mat to rest the tip of the head on it. Remain in the position for 20-30 seconds before slowly moving back to the initial position.
No. of Repetitions (for Beginners): 10-15
Balasana (Child Pose)
This highly rejuvenating pose begins with sitting on the ankles and gently bending forward at the waist to let the head rest on the mat. Keep your abdomen in and relax with deep breaths. Spread your arms forward for providing a deeper stretch to the back. Close your eyes and breathe calmly. Maintain this position for 1-2 minutes as per the convenience. This pose is effective in restoring the body vials consumed during the yoga practice along with proving a deep sense of calm to the heart and soul.
No. of Repetitions (for Beginners): 10-15
Practicing these forward yoga poses on an empty stomach is highly recommended. Usage of props is welcome to provide support and deeper relaxation during performances.
Gear on and take the plunge into a world of physical and psychical fortitude with these incredible forward bends.
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Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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