What are the Basic Yoga Sequences for Beginners
Several entities perceive that yoga is a physical exercise that involves twists and turns. The reason for this assumption could be the yoga videos or pictures that one might have watched in their life. The science of yoga seems to be a tough exercise for the non-practitioners. Yoga is not just a science of twists and turns, it is an experience. Yoga is a state of experience where we feel united. A state of union which harmonizes the three core elements: the body, mind, and soul into one. It develops strength and flexibility in the body and, it also provides mental stability, glowing skin, peaceful lifestyle and endless benefits to the practitioners. It helps in the development of a healthy being.
The different yoga styles that once looked difficult and tiresome are now a part of daily life of many practitioners. The not so easy to master yoga poses have now become a habitual routine that resuscitates the practitioner. For a dedicated yoga aficionado, these yoga asanas comprise the daily routine. Without the practice of these yoga postures the day seems to be filled with sluggishness, toxication and negativity all around.
The enthusiastic practitioners did not master the various yoga asanas in one day, but it took them a while or so. The results of hard work, passion, adherence were gradually tangible on the way. The journey of change starts with a thought. Once the thought for the positive change is planted then the rest lies in the perseverance and patience to unfold the new journey of transformation.
Begin the journey of positive evolution with the yoga sequences for beginners that you like the most. And, once you feel settled with the yoga style — advance to the higher levels for more glorious health benefits.
Here is yoga for beginners: The standing sequence that works on shoulders and hip region,opens up the body and results in higher awakening.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) : Stand with a straight back and firm feet on the floor with arms by your side. Steadily press the four corners of each foot, stretch the arms forward and pull your abdominals in and up. Turn the thigh muscles slightly inwards and lift the kneecap. Lengthen your tailbone, lift your chest up, push back your shoulder blades and widen your collarbones. Inhale and raise your toes upwards while balancing the body weight on the heels. Feel the stretch in your body.
Standing Backbend (Hasta Uttanasana) : Stand in the mountain pose with feet close to each other. Raise both the arms simultaneously over the head. Keep hands shoulder-width apart. Now, slowly bend your hands, upper body and head back as far as possible. Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds and, release the pose on exhalation.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana) : Stand straight on your feet with arms stretched parallel to the ground and palms facing downwards. Bend your knees and place your thighs parallel to the floor. Slightly bend your lower back and draw your hips lower as if you are sitting in a position to read the newspaper. Ensure you keep your hands parallel to the ground. Relax and make yourself comfortable in the posture.
Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana) : Stand with feet together and bent knees. Try to fold the torso over the legs from the hip and, not from the lower back. Place your hands on the ground in front or next to the feet whichever is comfortable. Breathe in and extend your chest. Breathe out to straighten your legs while lifting the kneecap and, smoothly spiral your upper, inner thighs.
Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) : Stand in the mountain pose and turn to your left with feet distanced 3-4 feet apart. Keep your hands placed on the hips. Turn your right foot to make a 90 degrees angle. Turn your left foot 60 degrees so that the toes point at top left corner of the mat. This will make a scissored stance and the feet should be about hip-width apart. Firm the feet in place and turn your torso and foot in the direction of the front foot. Raise your left hip slightly forward. On inhalation, reach for your arms to the side and, on exhalation, reach for the arms behind your back.
Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana 1) : Begin the pose in tadasana. Step the left foot back about 3-5 feet on exhalation. Turn your left feet towards 45 degrees angle and firm the sole of the foot on the mat. Make sure the left heel is aligned with the right heel. Bend your right knee, square your hips and shoulders towards the front. Breathe in and extend the arms alongside the ears. Keep your shoulders away from the ears. Hold the pose for 4-10 breaths.
Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana 2) : Stand in the mountain pose with feet 2-4 distance apart and arms parallel to the floor. Turn your right foot towards the right and left foot towards 90 degrees angle. Align both the feet. Firm the thighs, turn the left thigh outwards so that the kneecap of the left foot is in line with the ankle of the left foot. Breathe out and bend the left knee over the left ankle. Try to make left thigh parallel to the floor. Stretch the arms parallel to the floor, turn to the left and gaze over the fingers. Hold the pose for about 30 seconds-1 minute.
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) : Begin standing straight on the yoga mat with feet hip distance apart and arms at your side. Widen your feet about 4 to 5 feet apart. Turn your right foot outwards to form 90 degrees angle. Turn your left foot slightly inwards. Raise your left arm, to the side to shoulders- height parallel to the ground. Rest your right arm on the outer ankle.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) : Finish the yoga sequences for beginners with the mountain pose. Start the pose with the right leg as mentioned above. Repeat the pose with the left leg on the other side.
Embark on a journey of development with the yoga for beginners to reap the most for your health.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers
Devender Bhardwaj
Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher
Amit Kumar
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